Ashley Monroe

Ashley Monroe is a country music singer and songwriter who hails from America. In 2007, she released two singles, as well as an album titled Satisfied. She then formed the Pistol Annies group with Angaleena Lambert, Miranda Lambert and Angaleena. They later released her second album called Like a Rose. Ashley Monroe performing Blake SheltonIn 2016 she recorded The Blade which was another highly acclaimed album. Ashley Monroe holds a position as the Assistant Village Manager for Riverside Illinois. She has more than 15 years' experience within the public sector including nearly five-year periods in Iowa City. She currently serves as an Assistant Village manager. She holds a wide range of responsibilities that include overseeing the Community Development and Building Department in charge of grants and special initiatives. Ashley assists in the everyday running of Riverside's services, as well as in the implementation of elected officials' and community visions. Ashley has held a variety of responsibilities in the past, including the planning of municipal services and communication for government collective bargaining for the budgeting of personnel and focus on climate change projects. Ashley gained valuable insight from the work she did with national organizations as well as work in various communities. Ashley's courses focus on modern strategies for leadership and management in the public sector from an experience professional. As well as providing the context for present and future practitioners, Ashley emphasizes the importance of adapting today's strategic and ethical decision-making in order to address issues and capitalize on opportunities.

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